Tuesday, May 22, 2012

This is YOUR life

do what you love, and do it often
If you dont like something change it.
IF you dont like your job quit.
IF you dont have enough time , stop watching tv

IF you are looking for the love of your life stop
they will be waiting for you when you start doing what you love
stop over analyzing life is simple
all emotions are beautiful

when you eat, appreciate every last bite
open your mind,   arms and heart to new things and people.
we are united in our differences
ask the next person you see what their passion is and share your inspiring dream with them  

travel often, getting lost will help you find yourself
some opportunities only come once , seize them
life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them , So go out and start creating

Live your dream and wear your passion

life is short

  The Holstee manifesto courtesy of Avi G

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Taste and See

It is better to see it, then to hear about it
It is far better to experience it then to believe in it.

If you have never tasted a piece of chocolate cake, and I am holding a piece in front of you, no matter what I say to you I can’t explain the experience of the chocolate cake. Some people don’t taste foods, they say they don’t like sushi but they never tasted it. You must taste it for yourself.- Rabbi Osdaba

You can’t explain color to a blind man.

When listening to a good public speaker, we hear a story we believe in, when listening to a great speaker we see the story and experience it personally.

Some things in life can’t be fully explained, they must be experienced.
God is one of these things.  

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A lesson from Lost

                        Mieux vaut faire, et se repentir / Que se repentir, et rien faire

The 99th episode of the series Lost is titled Some like it Hoth. The title comes from the hit comedy film Some like it hot and the ice planet in Empire Strikes Back, Hoth. In the episode Hurley is  back in the 70’s and decides to write Empire strikes back and show it to George Lucas because star wars has just come out and he wants to save him some time.

We see Miles back story in this episode. Miles has a special gift, he can communicate with dead people if he is near the body. In the episode a father wishes to tell his dead son that he loves him. He contracts Miles to speak to his dead son, however because the son was cremated he cannot speak to him. Miles lies and tells the father that he told his son he loves him and collects his fee.

A few years ago I wrote a letter to my Aunt to thank her for the cookies she baked me in camp. My Aunt passed away surprisingly in her 50’s.  I never got a chance to give her the letter. I don’t know why, maybe I was shy or I did not think it was a priority. 20 years ago I was waiting in the hallway in school for class to begin. A Rabbi walked by and a bill fell out of his pocket, again I am not sure why but I said nothing, a minute latter someone else came in and picked up the bill.

In life  we cannot be shy and we can not hesitate when we have something to say. We should always share our positive feelings of love and appreciation to everyone we see. You never know what can happen. Life is finite, people and opportunities will not be around forever.

At 17 years old Lilo Brancato was spotted swimming at Jones beach by a talent scout. He landed his breakout role in the directorial debut of Robert Deniro in the film A Bronx Tale. He also appeared in several Sopronos episodes.

Twelve years later at the age of twenty nine he was arrested in the Bronx for attempted robbery and he is currently in jail. Another tale of a child star whos life spun out of control because of money and drugs. The twist is the line he himself uttered in his breakout film.

Lilo Brancato in the film a Bronx tale says:
I learned to give love and get love unconditionally. You just have to accept people for what they are, and I learned the greatest gift of all. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent, and the choices that you make will make your life forever.”

Lilo is sitting in prison now, maybe going over what could have been and what he could have done, he has time to think.

The book the Diving bell and the butterfly was written entirely by a man confined to his bed , blinking one letter at a time . Jean-Dominique Bauby is the author and he suffered from locked in syndrome.  He could only move his left eye the rest of his body was paralyzed. He was the former Editor and chief of Elle magazine and because of his condition he had nothing but time to think about.

The book is stories about Bauby before he has a stroke and suffers from his condition. In one story he is told about a fix in a horse race and he tries to make it to the track to place a bet on Mithra-granchamp. He missed placing the bet for his entire office.

“The memory of that event has only just come back to me, now doubly painful: regret for a vanished past and, above all, remorse for lost opportunities. Mithra-Grandchamp is the women we were unable to love, the chances we failed to seize, the moments of happiness we allowed to drift away. Today it seems to me that my whole life was nothing but a string of those small near misses: a race whose result we know beforehand but in which we fail to bet on the winner.”― Jean-Dominique Bauby

At the end of the episode Some like it Hoth, Miles returns to the father who he ripped off. He gives him his money back and tells him the truth that he was unable to speak to his son. Then Miles tells him, “If you wanted your son to know that you loved him, you should have told him when he was alive.”

Never miss a chance to tell someone you love them. Never miss a chance to try something new or tell someone thank you, or to step in and do what’s right .

                         It's better to act and to regret / Than to regret not to have acted.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 1, one day

Day 1 : I have sampled every type of happiness from avocado to zoo’s . After years of travel within my living room I have compiled a 365 day tip sheet for happiness.
Tip: compile a record of your vacations, triumphs, friends and holidays combined using digital pictures. Create a snap fish book for a friend or family member and give it to the person.

Our experiences, emotions and the past itself dwell in our memories. We access and create memories using our senses, smell is the strongest sense tie to memory.  Emotional experiences as well, will create vivid  memories and emotions  or sometimes  repressed memories.  

Time is constantly moving forward, steamrolling the present in to the past. All we have of it is the fleeting glimpse memory provides. Memory blisters and fades.  It is gone forever, the past, because of  its finite nature derives its ultimate value.

Monday, August 8, 2011

attitude of gratitude

If you have food in your fridge, cloths on your back , a roof over your head and a place to sleep you are richer then 75% of the people in the world

If you have money in your wallet, money in the bank and some left over, you are among the 8% of the wealthiest people in the world.

If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the agony of imprisonment and torture, or the horrible pangs of starvation you are luckier then the 500 million people alive and suffering in the world today .  

If you can read this message then you are luckier then the 3 billion people who can not read in this world.

(compiled from various info graphics from the web)



Russian- Spasiba

French- Merci

spanish - gracias

Yiddish- A dank

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A smile is always in style.

To John and Pool

We can define happiness, We must

I apologize for taking so long to answer back. I have been researching the field of happiness alphabetically for the past four months, everything from apples, beer and candy to x-rays, yelling and zoology.  

Smiling, Laughter, Humor, Comedy.

I can not define what causes people to be happy, but there are basic universal aspects to happiness that we see both vertically (across the globe today) as well as horizontally (thru history)  This is the condition we will call “Happiness” It involves a biopsychosocial  state of mind.

just because different things make different people happy does not mean the actual experience of happiness is not similar for all. Some people like apple flavored beer with candy others like giraffes, they all experience similar brain patterns and chemical reactions as well as physical states  when enjoying these things.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Happy happy, joy joy

In Response to John 

Happiness is a broad term which covers several different concepts. Each state is accessible independently, they also work together. Maslows hierarchy of needs is a good example of a hierarchy of happiness. I can only speak about happiness I have experienced. 

1. Pleasure - Physiological side to happiness: Experiences of something pleasing to our five senses. Eating a good meal, the song smile.. makes me smile. Thanks to modern inventions (CAT and PET scan to name a few)  and advances in the field of neuroscience , we can now quantify chemicals and brain regions that are involved in happiness. Animals also experience this level of happiness. 

Specifically the nucleus accumbens, the hypothalamus, Dopamine and endorphins are another example of physiological signs of happiness. These chemicals and happiness it self are of a different nature. They have a connection but it would seem the experience of happiness creates these chemical reactions. They are connected as sheet music and a symphony are. The note on the page is not the Music itself, but it is deeply connected.   
Ben Franklin - "The constitution only gives you the right to pursue happiness you have to catch it for yourself."  

2. Joy - A different level of happiness is related to temporal emotions. That is how you feel over time, as well as feelings concerning the past, present and future. Basically happiness of memories or anticipation of future events as well as present current emotional states. 

  Duration,is also a factor for example:  laugh for a second , have joy your whole life. 

3. Existential happiness- 
 Goes beyond ourselves and our individual physical existence. Connected to companionship, friends and family, grandparents. People that are happy to be created, for some people it is there mantra, they are happy they have another day, this is a high level of Happiness. It is  connected to choice, perception and appreciation. It is rooted in self esteem and a  sense of purpose.

Happiness is a perspective anyone  can choose to cultivate every day.